Zdroj: https://www.ksidlisti.cz/elementary-school/trip-to-terezin • Vydáno: 23.6.2016 10:59 • Autor: Martin Vocílka
On Thursday the 21st of April we took a trip to Terezín. We were there with students from the 9th grade. Our tour started in the morning at 8 o’clock in front of the school. When we arrived in Terezín we went to the small fortress with our guide. He told us about the horrible things that happened there. Then we went to the cemetery. There were so many tombs. After that we went to the Ghetto. There were names and letters from Jewish kids and other interesting things. Our tour ended at the incinerator. We rode back to Prague at 3 o’clock.It was an interesting and humbling experience, where we realized the dangers of extremism and hatred that are still present in our society today.
S. Vaníčková Z.8