Zdroj: https://www.ksidlisti.cz/secondary-school/trip-to-dresden  •  Vydáno: 20.1.2016 17:49  •  Autor: Martin Vocílka

Trip to Dresden

On 15th December some students from our school visited Dresden. We met in front of the school at 7:15 and we got to Dresden at about 10:20. We visited the museum of Hygiene, where you can see and learn interesting facts about the human body, venereal diseases and giving birth.

After the museum visit, we had about 4 hours of free time, so we went to the town centre because we wanted to see the famous Christmas markets in the main square called Altmarkt. The markets and city decorations were really beautiful. After leaving the markets, we decided to go to the shopping center. We bought some clothes, gifts and a hot drink to warm up. We wished we could have stayed and enjoyed this beautiful city longer, but unfortunately we had to go back to Prague. Everybody enjoyed the trip and we hope to go again next year.

Barča Velebilova, Michal Jahelka S3A